Loetz vase with mounting PG 85/3890 ca. 1902

SKU 987

Large vase with brass mounting, design form Hubert Gessner and decor Jutta Sika, execution Johann Loetz Witwe for E. Bakalowits, decor opal Phenomen Genre 85/3890, circa 1902

  • Height: 48cm, Width: 17cm, Depth: 15cm
  • 1901 to 1902
    Technique: glass, mould-blown and freeform, reduced and iridescent, brass mounting
    Provenance: private collection, Paris

    bib.: A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, vol. II, paper pattern catalogue, Prestel, Munich 1989, paper pattern 85/4022, p. 295

    21.000,00 VAT inclusive
    SKU 987

    The mounted vase is a wonderful example for collaborations of Viennese designers and manufactories around 1900. Special feature is its exotic and elaborate brass mounting. The evenly spun metallic decoration on a translucent ground combined with the harmonious drawing is impressive as well.
    The vase’s shape and presumably also its metal mount has been designed by Hubert Gessner, whereas Jutta Sika contributed its decor. Both, Gessner and Sika, were talented students of Koloman Moser at Vienna School of Arts and Crafts. The glass body was manufactured by Johann Loetz Witwe on behalf of famous Viennese glass editor E. Bakalowits, Sohne.


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    Vase with brass mounting H. Gessner and J. Sika Johann Loetz Witwe decor Phenomen Genre 85/3890 ca. 1902
    Loetz vase with mounting PG 85/3890 ca. 1902

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