Loetz vase decor PG 8069 ca. 1899

SKU 287

Early vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, decor Phenomen Genre 8069, ca. 1899, signed

  • Height: 14cm, Width: 12.5cm, Depth: 12.5cm
  • 1899 to 1900
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: glass, mould-blown, reduced and iridescent
    Signed “Loetz Austria” in the polished pontil; Bib.: E. Ploil, H. Ricke e.a. (ed.), „Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940“, vol. II, Musterschnitte, Prestel Verlag, Munich 1989, paper pattern No. 185

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    SKU 287

    One of the main reasons for the big success of Loetz at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 was the use of bright, colourful decorations later to be known as Phenomen Genres. In the last 10 years of the 1800s Loetz began experimenting with colourful and highly iridescent art glass. The technique of iridescent art glass was being used by Louis C. Tiffany and Lobmeyr and it is very likely that Loetz got their inspiration from these two sources.

    This vase bears one of the earliest Phenomen Decoration variants which has first been documented 1898. The yellow foundation along with the highly iridescent silver coloured combed thread decoration grants the vase a slender and highly elegant appearance.


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    Loetz vase decor PG 8069 ca. 1899
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