Vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, decor Lava Phenomen Genre 377 on “Russian Green”, ca. 1900, signed
signed “Loetz Austria”
This extraordinary and completely new decoration variant Phenomen Genre 377 was first presented by Loetz at the 1900 Paris World Exhibition. Loetz made use of it in many different forms in the coming two years. The original ground used for the Paris show was a dark blue. The characteristic green of this vase is called “Russian green” in Loetz jargon.
With this decor the glass factory Loetz reused and improved an old technique in glassmaking to create an iridescent and cracked surface. The still hot glass vessel was chilled in ice cold water and the resulting cracks were melted together again. “Lava” became a very fancied and successful decoration variant for Johann Loetz Witwe.
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