Loetz vase PG 7801 ca. 1899

SKU 898

Vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, decor Phenomen Genre 7801 on Bronze ground, ca. 1899, signed

  • Height: 33cm, Width: 10cm, Depth: 10cm
  • 1898 to 1899
    Technique: glass, mould-blown and freeform, reduced and iridescent
    Provenance: private collection Vienna, Austria

    signed “Loetz Austria” bib.: A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (eds.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, vol. II, paper pattern catalogue, Prestel, Munich 1989, paper pattern 7473/12″, p. 24

    6.800,00 VAT inclusive
    SKU 898

    Décor PG 7801 is one of the early Phenomen Genre decors presented by Loetz from around 1898 on. On a bronze-colored ground, the drawn silver threads seemingly climb up the vase body like leaves. Its bluish shimmering threads show in themselves a very delicate drawing. The fine pattern nestles against the vessel like a stylized floral design and merges perfectly with its elongated, elegant shape. Thus, this vase with its harmonious shape and décor can be considered a classic representative of the early Phenomenon Genres from Loetz glassworks.


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    Loetz vase PG 7801 ca. 1899

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