Paul Flora Verwurzelte (Rooted figures) ca. 1970

SKU 853

Paul Flora, Verwurzelte, (Rooted figures), circa 1970, ink pen drawing on paper

  • Height: 48cm, Width: 61cm,
  • 1970
    Technique: ink pen drawing on paper
    Provenance: private collection Vienna, Austria

    On reverse titled by the artist by hand “PÜRKERT” Bib.: Paul Flora, Die verwurzelten Tiroler und ihre bösen Feinde (The rooted Tyroleans and their evil enemies), Edition Thomas Flora, Diogenes publ., 1970; comp. Karikaturmuseum Krems (ed.), Paul Flora, exhibition catalogue Cartoon Museum Krems, Carl Ueberreiter publ., Vienna 2022, p. 90; Antonia Hoerschelmann (ed.), Paul Flora. Zeichnungen (Paul Flora. Drawings), exhibition catalog Albertina, Vienna 2021


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    SKU 853

    A recurring topic in the drawings by Paul Flora are the so-called “Tyroleans”, whom he caricatured as figures of marksmen in this picture. He sarcastically exaggerates their strong attachment to their homeland, but also their proverbial stubbornness is being depicted.

    In the “Verwurzelte” (Rooted figures), six men are ready for battle, arms at foot with their shotguns. The phalanx-like formation and strong view from below make them appear threatening at first glance. However, some odd details of the figures like their spookily empty eyes, gnarly bodies and visibly rusted rifles expose them as petrified witnesses of past feistiness. Their legs firmly grown together with the soil like tree trunks, the Tyroleans literally become rooted, and branches and twigs are growing out of their massive bodies.
    With whimsical imagery and dense drawing technique, Flora demonstrates impressively his artistic qualities as a caricaturist.


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    Paul Flora Verwurzelte (Rooted figures) ca. 1970
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