Loetz Vase PG 7801 ca. 1899

SKU 1335 Tag

Vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, decor Phenomen Genre 7801, ca. 1899, signed

  • Height: 30.5cm, Width: 14cm, Depth: 14cm
  • 1899 to 1901
    Technique: glass, mould-blown and freeform, reduced and iridescent
    signed with “Loetz/ Austria” Bib.: A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, Vol. 2, Katalog der Musterschnitte, Prestel Verlag, Munich 1989, Musterschnitt I-7952, p. 51
    9.200,00 VAT inclusive
    SKU 1335 Tag

    Around 1900, at the height of the Art Nouveau movement, two distinctive design elements defined glass production in Klostermühle: the intricately spun and combed thread decoration and the richly iridescent metallic finish. This characteristic technique was introduced to the Loetz glassworks in 1898 and became known under the collective term Phänomen-Glas. Vessels of this type rank among the most technically refined, artistically sophisticated, and commercially successful creations of the manufactory.
    The PG 7801 decor is one of the earliest Phenomen Genre decors. Delicate silver threads, arranged in three parallel rows, form a dynamic zigzag pattern against the vase’s bronze-colored background. The ornament, reminiscent of stylized leaf shapes, is particularly striking on the vase’s rounded body. Ist form is documented in the pattern catalog of the glassworks.


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    Vase Johann Loetz Witwe decor Phenomen Genre 7801 ca. 1899 signed
    Loetz Vase PG 7801 ca. 1899
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