Small bowl with two putti, design Gustav Gurschner, manufactured by K.K. Kunst-Erzgiesserei Wien, ca. 1906, bronze, cast, patinated
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Gustav Gurschner provided various designs for bowls intended as business card holders or simply as decorative vessels.
We find such bowls with just one Putto or with up to three squatting little boys grouped around a mostly round vessel. This pleasing decorative object shows two Putti looking in opposite directions. Stylized flowers on the base emphasize the lovely character of the composition.
Gurschner probably designed objects like this one according to the taste of Viennese Jugendstil ceramics, following designs by Michael Powolny. Characteristic elements of this period can be found in the rhythmic drawing of the hairdo of our two Putti, or in the ornamentation in relief on the edge of the bowl and the stylized flowers.
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